
Try Out Your Strategies!

Merkis is a real-time business simulation that develops communication and decisionmaking

skills involved in business processes. The game is designed for companies that

would like to gain a strategic business advantage over their competitors. During the

simulation its participants are divided into several teams and practically manage a

modeled company in a realistic business environment competing with each other. Merkis

serves as a testing ground where players in a non-risk environment can try, test, and

improve their business ideas and company strategies before actually implementing them in

their own enterprise.


Key Themes:

• Business Acumen

• Strategy And Tactics

• Goal Setting

• Thinking “Out Of Box”

• Finance And Budgeting

Results: Picture1

• Improved strategic and tactical planning

• Confidence in a successful implementation of business ideas

• Improved team work

• Strong sense of individual responsibility

• Increased problem solving skills



• Time 8-16 hours​

• Participants: 12+

• Available on-site