About the game

Start Your Business is a challenging strategic thinking board game where each participant

starts up a retail chain company and competes with others. In real life that might be retail

stores, restaurants, home business, service businesses etc. Players must develop and


implement strategy, while managing limited resources and making prompt decisions.


Every player should open new stores, compete with others, be profitable and expand to new

territories. They also build communications between stores, appoint store managers and hire

employees, earn profit and invest in development. Everybody has his game mission – strategic

business goal. Whoever fulfils his mission first, wins, and usually that is a result of a few

strategic decisions made right, not tactics.

Topics covered

Start-up business


Increased motivation to become an enterpreneur

Game-based experience of entepreneurial start-up phase

Skills learned

Strategic thinking

Communication skills

Target audience: Grades 8-11

Duration: 65-90 min

Number of Participants: 2-6