About the game
Lab Cabinet is a chemistry game, that deepens understanding of the names, formulas and
appearance of common chemicals. Players become familiar with 6 main classifications of
chemicals – metals, non-metals, acids, oxides, salts and bases as well as with hazard
symbols of lab safety.
The task of the game is to fill the Lab Cabinet shelves with 6 different types of packed chemical
cards that are obtained by combining element cards and following game card procedure. This is
possible only if player is an effective communicator and is able to negotiate with other players
succesfully. There are also bonus cards that will make this game even more exciting. The winner
is the player who has succeeded in collecting the most Packed chemical cards.
Topics covered
6 main classifications of chemicals
Hazard symbols
Increased motivation to study names, formulae and appearance of chemicals.
Student’s involvement and concentration during the class
Skills learned
Strategic thinking
Target audience: Grades 9-11
Duration: 45-60 minutes
Number of Participants: 2-6