About the game

Chemical Compounds is a chemistry game that helps players to increase familiarity

with ionic compounds – acids, bases and salts, reinforces the need to have charges

balanced in an ionic compound and increases familiarity with ionic formulae.



Each player is dealt 5 Ion cards. He must construct as many correct ionic formulae as

possible cooperating and competing with the others. Once a player has constructed a

compound, his token should be placed on a particular compound on the board. No more

points can be won for making that particular formula, only for the new one. Each player

adds up the number of points won for each of the formulae they made. In addition, there

is a bonus point available to the player who has made the most formulae in each of the 3

categories: acids, bases or salts. The player with the most points is the winner.

Topics covered

Ionic compounds – acids, bases, salts

Ionic formulae


Increased motivation to study ionic compounds

Student’s involvement and concentration during the class

Skills learned

Strategic thinking



Target audience: Grades 8-11

Duration: 30-40 minutes

Number of Participants: 2-8