About the game

Bon Appetit is a biology game, that deepens the understanding of plant and

animal diversity as well as food chains in forest.



Each player is dealt 5 plant or animal cards and 4 game pawns. The player should

create the food chain on the designed place on the board, considering the depicted

symbols on cards. Symbols show at what place in a food chain the animal is, what

he eats and who eats him. The player who has completed the chain (placed the last

card in a certain food chain), must take these cards and put them next to him near the

board. At the end of the game each player scores 1 point for each card remained. The

winner is the player with the highest number of points.

Topics covered

Plant and animal diversity

Food chains in forest


Student’s involvement and concentration during the class

Increased interactivity and dynamics in the classroom

Skills learned

Strategic thinking


Target audience: Grades 6-9

Duration: 30-40 minutes

Number of Participants: 2-6